Ms. Norris serves as the Director, Center for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer (CIO) at the National Institutes of Health. As the Director, Center for Information Technology, she is responsible for managing a broad range of NIH-wide information and information technology services, including a new state-of-the-market high-speed research network infrastructure, a high-performance scientific computing system ranked as one of the top supercomputers in the world by TOP500, cloud-based collaboration and communication platforms and tools, bioinformatics research programs, data center services, business solutions and applications, and 24 x7 operations of NIH’s distributed IT environment. As the NIH CIO, she provides oversight of NIH’s $1 billion IT portfolio that supports scientific research and discovery.
During her time at NIH, Ms. Norris has led numerous improvements to enable the organization’s mission, including:
Ms. Norris is also a key contributor to IT-related activities at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and other federal levels. She serves on all major HHS IT governance groups and plays key leadership roles in special-focus departmental efforts. Most recently, she helped develop the White House-led framework for security planning for precision medicine initiatives in the governmental, private sector, and non-profit sectors.
Prior to her tenure at NIH, Ms. Norris spent more than 10 years at the National Science Foundation (NSF), where, in her roles as Acting CIO and Director of IT services, she was responsible for establishing the foundation’s strategy, policies, and programs and managing its information technology systems and services. One of her most notable roles before joining NSF, was the Deputy Chief Information Officer for Management for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), where she provided senior leadership and management of NASA’s complex $2 billion information technology portfolio. Prior to joining the federal government, Ms. Norris was a management consultant at Booz, Allen & Hamilton and served on the President’s Private Sector Commission on Cost Control.
Ms. Norris was the 2008 recipient of the President’s Meritorious Service Award.
Ms. Norris has a Master of Business Administration degree with a major in Information Systems Management from the George Washington University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the College of William and Mary.
Honors and Awards
2018 Fed Health IT Top 100
2017 Fed Health IT Top 100
2016 NIH Special Act Award for contributions to the Department of Health and Human Services Federal Information Technology Reform Act Implementation Plan
2016 NIH Director’s Award for contributions to the NIH-wide Strategic Plan
2016 Department of Health and Human Services Award for supporting the Unified Financial Management System transition to a cloud-based platform
2015 NIH Director’s Award for contributions to the NIH Plan for Data Sharing
2013 NIH Director’s Award for contributions to the Advisory Committee of the Director Data and Informatics Working Group
2012 NIH Office of the Director Award for supporting the NIH Celebration of Science event.
Leadership Activities
January 2016 to May 2016—Co-Chaired the HHS Network Assessment Working Group to assess and make recommendations on Department-wide networking capabilities
October 2015 to March 2016—Served on the Office of Science and Technology Policy-sponsored working group to develop a national security framework for Precision Medicine Initiatives
2015—Served on the HHS working group to develop the Department’s plan for implementing new Federal Information Technology and Reform Act requirements
March 2015—Sponsored the first NIH IT Job Shadowing Day (High School Students)
February 2014 to May 2014—Chaired the NIH working group to assess the National Children’s Study technical architecture
Selected Speaking Engagements & Presentations
2017 Panelist, Fed Health IT 2017, Bethesda, MD, “2018: A Look Ahead”
2017 Panelist, Plenary Session of BIO-ITWorld Conference, Denver, CO
2017, Keynote, NIH Data Storage Summit
2016 BioIT International Conference, Keynote Panel Speaker: CIO Perspectives
2016 HIMSS Capital Region Conference, NIH Information Technology Initiatives
2014 HHSInternet Protocol Version 6 Symposium, Bethesda, MD
2014 IBM Workshop on Federal Grants Management Best Practices, Washington, DC
2014 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, Co-Sponsored with Dr. Phil Bourne an NIH information session on Electronic Lab Notebook Best Practices with NIH Lab Managers
2014 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, Co-Sponsored the “NIH Workshop on Advanced Networking”
2014 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, “NIH Information Security Workshop”
2013 BIO-IT World Conference, Boston, MA
2012 Council on Government Relations Conference, Washington, DC, “NIH’s Big Data Initiatives”
2012 12th Annual Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Conference, Baltimore, MD
Current Committee Participation
Member, HHS Administrative and Management IT Domain Committee
Member, HHS Science and Research IT Domain Committee
Member, HHS CIO Council
Chair, NIH Administrative Data Council
Chair, NIH IT Budget Advisory Council
Chair, NIH IT Management Council
Member, NIH Scientific Data Council
Member, NIH High Performance Computing Working Group
Member, NIH Senior Executive Service Performance Review Board
Co-Chair, Search Committee for NIH Deputy Director for Management
Member, Numerous Search Committees, including the Director of the National Library of Medicine and the Department of Health and Services CIO